Sunday, November 18, 2012

Does My Dog Have Mites Or Mange? How You Can Tell

1) exterior mites

These live on the skin's surface, causing itchiness and scratching. The most common types are cheyletiella mites (which are sometimes referred to as 'walking dandruff' because they are light in colour and large adequate to see interesting about) and harvest mites, tiny orange mites which are most prevalent in the autumn, and tend to hide in the middle of the dog's toes or on the legs and stomach. exterior mites can be treated in the same way as fleas.

Light Source Microscope

Natural medicine for mites - our recommendations:

Ekoneem Organic Neem Oil Shampoo Bar

Billy No Mates Herbal Flea, Tick and Mite medicine and Repellent

Billy No Mates Tincture

Homeopet Flea Bite - Allergies to Flea, Bug & Insect Bites

2) Mange mites

These burrow into the skin, so they can't usually be seen by the naked eye and will need to be diagnosed by your vet, using a microscope and skin scraping. The most common types of mange mites cause Demodex mange and Sarcoptic mange.

o Demodex mange is caused by mites that live in the hair follicles of approximately all dogs and they aren't usually a problem. But if the dog has an impaired immune system, or is suffering from malnutrition or stress, the mites can overpopulate, resulting in hair loss and inflamed skin. This type of mange doesn't usually cause intense itching, and it isn't contagious.

o Sarcoptic mange is extremely contagious and intensely itchy. Dogs can cause permanent skin damage from scratching and biting. What's more, these mites breed incredibly quickly and will ultimately cover your whole pet if left untreated.

If your dog has mange, it is very likely to need veterinary treatment. However, for Demodex mange where the dog has an impaired immune law or is suffering from malnutrition or stress, there are some natural solutions available. For the immune law boost try Resist! then Keepers Mix. For malnutrition Tree Barks Powder.

For Demodex and Sarcoptic mange I extremely suggest ekoneem shampoo also.

3) Ear mites

these live inside the dog's ears. Itching, irritation and a dry crusty discharge are common symptoms, along with frequent head shaking and ear scratching. What's more, ear mites can be of course transferred from one animal to another, so if you have more than one pet, chances are they will all need treatment, such as cleaning the ears fully and using a natural repellant.

Natural medicine of ear mites in dogs - our recommendations:

Ekoneem Organic Neem Oil Shampoo Bar

Billy No Mates Herbal Flea, Tick and Mite medicine and Repellent

Billy No Mates Tincture

Does My Dog Have Mites Or Mange? How You Can Tell

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